Saving - This will refer to act of not spending money and putting it some where to be used later. It doesn't matter where you put the money (although smart people make interest) You could save your money in a savings account, a CD, under your mattress, in a plastic bag in your underwear drawer. Whatever... just know that saving is NOT spending money.
Spending less - This refers to when there is a sale so you could be spending less than you normally would. Normally when people speak of sales they use the term "saving money" for example "I'm saving money by buying this on sale." Where that statement might be true you are in reality spending less. It is important to always try to get a deal, or buy things on sale because spending less is smart shopping. Using coupons is also a great way to spend less, BUT using coupons is only effective when you are using them for items you would normally buy. If you are using coupons for extra things you wouldn't normally buy or don't really need then you are not spending less at all, even with a coupon.
As we go on I will probably update and add to this list, but for now let's get started with this!
Technorati tags: money, saving money, spending less, money language
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